Should you take TMG / Betanin when you consume NMN ?
Prof. Sinclair says
in this interview that he also takes TMG / betain prophylactically (!) in addition to NMN. When NMN is converted to NAD +, nicotinamide (NAM) is formed. High levels of nicotinamide are not good for our bodies, and in order for our bodies to get rid of nicotinamide it must be methylated to N-methyl nicotinamide, which is excreted in the urine. In order to methylate NAM, the body theoretically draws from our reserves of methyl groups. The theory is that the more NMN you ingest, the more methyl groups you need to get rid of the NAM. And this could mean that a deficiency in methyl groups can lead to a decline of the other critical functions that require methylation, which could lead to a whole host of health problems. To prevent this from happening, you can take TMG, which donates a methyl group and keeps your methyl reserves high. It is important to note that Dr. Sinclair says he cannot say for sure that this is happening because the research is inconclusive.
Trimethylglycine (TMG = betaine) is a substance similar to choline. Choline (tetramethylglycine) has four methyl groups and betaine (trimethylglycine / TMG) has three. As soon as a methyl group is separated from TMG, dimethylglycine (DMG, also called vitamin B15 or pangamic acid) is formed. The separated methyl groups are useful, among other things, for the methylation of homocysteine, which produces methionine and ultimately S-adenosylmethionine (SAM).
Betaine is therefore important for the nervous system and has a strengthening effect on the nerves, especially in children.
Betaine also protects the liver and specifically promotes fat metabolism in the liver.
Betaine plays a role in carnitine synthesis. Betaine therefore donates energy and increases performance by supporting aerobic cell respiration.
Betaine anhydrate as a methyl donor plays an important role in methylation processes, such as in homocysteine metabolism. The body's methylation capacity determines the activation and deactivation of a large number of important endogenous substances. This ability decreases with age.
Betaine is said to have a positive effect on stamina. Betaine is mostly in the form of betaine HCl in food supplements. As a donor of HCL (hydrochloric acid), this compound is primarily used to regulate the acidity of the stomach. With the dosage for the application areas listed below, too much HCL (acid) would be released when using betaine HCL.
Application/Side EffectsFor a positive effect, at least 1.5g betaine should be consumed daily.
A daily intake of more than 4g betaine can significantly increase blood cholesterol levels.
In people with the rare deficiency of the enzyme demethylglycine dehydrogenase, TMG can cause an unpleasant body odor.